Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The endless waiting game.

So, now Deacon has had 6 surgeries. Dont worry, no more surgery since last post. BUT, We got home last time on the Wed and on the Friday we all (15 of us) took the Rocky Mountineer train up to Whistler. It was a family gift from my parents! We loved it! The boys had a blast, and it was a much needed rest. Little did we know how soon I would need more rest.
We went up there and that night we went out to eat at a very nice fancy restaurant with all 6 babies under 3! LOL! They were very well behaved. Everythign was going well, until 3/4 of the way through, Deacon started to whimper again. I thought, OH NO! Are we going to have to get an ambulance up to Whistler?? So I sat him on my lap and just held him. About 5 min later, I heard a plopping noise, I looked down and poo was POURING out the back of his diaper OVERFLOWING all over the floor, his pants, my pants... So Joe and I took him and gingerly ran him to the bathroom and cleaned him up. After that he was fine. I just thought maybe it was gas or something. The next morning, he was running around our hotel room and tripped and put his 2 front teeth through his bottom lip.
Gesh I know.
So we got home fine and everything continued as normal. Until that next friday. In the middle of the night I woke up to him screaming, I ran in there and there was throw up everywhere! So I called 911, and we got raced to Ridge Meadows. We got there, xrays done, and the DR there told me he was constipated. That on the xray was a huge lump in his bowels. I was like... Ya, no. He said its fine, he will pass it fine. We went home. He didnt poo all day and he started the whimpering that night, so I sent my hubby Joe (who has never taken Deacon to the hospital) to get the DR to give him an enima. He went there and the dr there said nope, nothing on the xray from last night, just go home. Or you can DRIVE him to CHILDRENS!
So Joe drove him home, and I drove him into Vancouver. Turns out it WAS entercolitis this time. ARG! So bowel rest for 4 days and then slowly giving him food again. Its sooo heart breaking, refusing your child food. All while you have to eat in the bathroom. :)
Im just so glad that my mom was there to help me.
So now the GI says I need to keep him on the Gentamiacin and he gave me stronger steriods for his bum to clear. Hopefully this will be it for awhile.
After a month Deacon has gained 8 lbs!! He is now 2 years old and 28lbs!! He has begun to speak alot more and hes getting better and better. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holy CRAP!

So, I sat down a week and a half ago to write about Deacons latest adventure and I never finished it because I didnt know it wasnt finished...

Last month, almost exactly a year after he was hospitalized for the flu, he started to get sick again and we had to take him in again.
Within 24hrs he was very sick. He was lethargic and not pooing properly. We rushed him to Abbotsford hospital because thats where his Pedi Dr. Hewes works. As we were sitting in the waiting room he started to vomit. He vomited about 16 times in 4 hrs. They put him on bowel rest and gave him an IV. They also took and gave him an Xray. After that Xray, they said they were unsure but they thought he had a blockage. After 3 days, he was feeling better and the Xrays look good again. They said not a big deal, he just had the flu!

So on Thursday May 20th, he ate Cheerios for breakfast and had a perfectly normal poop. After that things just went downhill. He started to act a little different, not playing with Riley. Wasnt really hungry. At about 12:30 he asked to go to bed. After his 4 hr nap. He started whimpering. Very lethargic and we decided he needed to go in again. I go to the local walk in clinic becasue then I can decide which hospital to go to. If his Pedi is in at Abbotsford, then we go there. If its an Emergency we go to Ridge Meadows. If shes not in and its not an emergency we go straight to Childrens in Vancouver. So I go there and the Doctor there tells me hes totally fine, just ride it out. Whatever. So I ask them to page Dr. Hewes at Abby and I find out shes not working the weekend. Fine. I take him into the parking lot, strap him into his carseat and he starts vomiting everywhere. Hmmmm... this time it was 12 hrs that he started throwing up. Weird. I wait for him to stop, and end up waiting 45 min. When I get to Ridge Meadows he has been puking constantly. It takes the Pedi there 1 1/2hrs to finally IV him. He wouldnt stop asking questions and LISTEN to me! At that point, Deacon was limp in my arms from all the vomiting. I had to hold his neck while he puked. He kept on until he had thrown up 60 times in 2 hrs. The Pedi finally started listening after the Xray. The Xray was horrid. It showed big loops of distended bowel. So they shipped us by ambulance right to Childrens. They at first thought it was Enterocolitis and tried to treat him with Antibiotics on bowel rest for 3 days. We thought it was working and started to feed him. Within 24hrs he was puking again, so they preformed emergency surgery on him on Thursday the 27th. They took all his bowels out and he had a twisted bowel. We finally came home yesterday the 1st of June. Wheph! Thats really all I have to say right now...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My miracle baby!

Soooo much has happened.
We had a little baby girl on Nov 30th by c-section. She pooped on the surgeon. For those of you that dont know... thats VERY good news!

A few of you asked how we knew that this baby had Hirschsprung's. Well I researched it ALOT and found a little bit of info on in utero ultrasound showing dialation in the intestines. That could mean one of 3 things:

1. Hirschsprung's
2. An impacted bowel (twisted bowel)
3. imperferated anus (No bum hole)

So I went and had an ultrasound done @ BC Childrens Hospital and they indeed saw dialation.

We were devestated.

For weeks and weeks we just cried. I thought it was better that we knew before hand that the baby had HD. I thought it would get better the further we went along. That the pain would get less and less or something. That I would "come to terms" with the facts. Not so. I just spent the last 2 months of my pregnancy, making plans, crying, feeling bad, making different plans, crying, trying not to think about it, and you guessed it more crying.

I had 2 more ultrasounds done and at each one, they said it was not as bad as the last one. I didnt think anything about it as dialation can get worse and better. I wanted to think the worse, so I wouldnt be devestaed again.

So she was born... and she pooped. I only got to hold her for 30 min before they took her to the nursery to be hooked up. 4 hours later she came into my room and she stayed! No hospital visits, no IV's .... nothing!

It was quite hard because family and friends wanted a concrete answer. Does she have it or no? The only way to find out is a biopsy. So we couldnt give them an answer. I didnt want everybody yelling out, "Shes a miracle!!!" before I knew for sure. I didnt want everybody to say that and then find out 2 weeks later that she did infact have it. Lots of people didnt understand what I was doing. Infact people assumed that I was uncaring about it. I showed little emotion infront of people about her. I put up a stone wall. I didnt break. I couldnt break. I was trying to cope. It was so unbelieveable to think that God had given ME this gift. A perfect baby. It wouldnt have been THAT big of a deal if we hadnt seen it on an ultrasound. I SAW it! ME! With my own eyes. It was very obvious. And now... I had to accept the fact that she was fine, better than fine... perfect! So I had people ask me why I wasnt happy about it. Why I wasnt crying all the time about it. I just needed time. Time for it to sink in and time for me to realize that she was fine. And now that I do... I can post!

Other news... Deacon is doing super awesome! Hes growing and speaking and ON THE CHART! Hes finally in the 10th percentile for his height! Hes 20months old and can say "Daddy!"